Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is Witchcraft or Witch Hunt evil?

don´t know how many people suffer from actual witchcraft or black

magic. Not too many because nowaday there are few people who have the

necessary siddhis to actually harm someone.

But i do know that there are a lot of innocent people who suffer from

being accused to work black magic on others.

But there are many who imagine to be victims of black magic who

themselves endanger innocent people, these people only pretend or

believe to be victims they are most often mentally disturbed and in

fact perpetrators not victims.

I am not writing this because i do not believe in witchcraft or black

magic, on the contrary, i am writing this because of a profound

knowledge of this subject.

Very few people are aware that accusing others of witchcraft is a

very dark and evil act and can have most dire conesquences for the


"Witch hunting is a huge issue in the eastern states of India, such

as Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa and the neighboring areas of

Maharashtra, which have large tribal populations with traditional

beliefs about witches. Indian newspapers periodically publish reports

about women who, after being accused of witchcraft, have been beaten

to death, had their houses expropriated, their heads shaved or had

strings of shoes hung around their necks. Yet, nothing seems to stop

these abuses. Not even the pressure of NGOs, such as the Free Legal

Aid Committee (FLAC),based in Jamshedpur (the steel city of

Jharkhand) whose efforts prompted one state –Jharkhand- to pass an

Anti-Witch Hunting Act in 1999, has fully eradicated the problem. In

the last 15 years, more than 2500 Indian women have been killed in

the name of witchcraft. According to FLAC, 670 of these women were

murdered between 2004 and 2005."

Arpita Sutradhar article I witnessed a witch hunt.

Please think twice before you give advice to victims of witchcraft on

the net, one should not enforce suspicions and question allegations,

otherwise one might unknowingly become part of the cause of severe

injustice being done to innocents.

Do i need to emphasize that if i say "innocents" i am not talking

about the alleged victims of black magic?

Sabinash Nair

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